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The floting pond aquarium"made in Berlin"








The advantages of the flying aquarium



Complete accessory for immediate use included


Absolutely safe for her beloved fish, no animal is locked up


Your fish can swim in and out of the flying aquarium at will


High quality glass body


This prevents scratches during cleaning


No distorted optics when looking at the pond inhabitants


No tripod abutments in the pond needed, as free swimming


Freely selectable position in the pond


Easy to assemble and disassemble


Weather-related fluctuations in water levels due to evaporation are unproblematic. No one has to go for the construction or dismantling in the pond, thereby no risk of damage to the pond liner












The "flying-aquarium" at customers










News: The new Flying-Aquarium-Oval© "Basic" 4500 is now available.





Flying-Aquarium-Oval© "Basic"






Flying-Aquarium-Oval© "Elegance"






Flying-Aquarium-Oval© "Hover"







It does not matter if you yourself are a garden pond owner or if you want to give an unforgettable pleasure by buying a Flying-Aquarium©: Anyone who sees the fish hovering over the surface of the pond will remain fascinated and mesmerized by the edge of the pond, does not want to believe his eyes and believes in a hallucination. I have developed a free-swimming fish-watching pool in the form of a floating aquarium for garden pond friends with pond fish and make it in my Berlin manufactory with attention to detail itself.



You can enjoy the beautiful effect and admire your fish above the water surface. The fish swim in and out of their vitreous at will, without being locked up. The fish travel across the pond from the depths of the garden pond like in an imaginary elevator and expand their habitat without leaving their element, the water.

The installation of the Flying-Aquarium© is very easy: glass and floating bodies are connected, water is pumped in, and the living space for your pond fish is increased by one level. Not only your fish, but you as a fish owner, your family and friends are looking forward to it. Even your neighbor peers curiously over the garden fence and wonders. The Flying-Aquarium© is free-floating and not anchored to the pond bottom. Thus, the pond liner remains undamaged.



It is possible that the Flying-Aquarium© seeks its own place in the pond by wind or current and thereby constantly changes its position. But if you have a favorite viewing place, you can also choose this place yourself with the help ofthe holding cords. To clean the Flying-Aquarium©, swimming trunks are not necessary: they pull the observation tank to the pond bank by the retaining cord and simply clear the glass walls of algae deposits with a kitchen brush and immediately have an unobstructed view of the pond inhabitants.


The pond innovation










The Pond Innovation - Home of Flying Aquarium

